What is PHORLIX Lite?

We have previously maintained HorliX and created PHORLIX, but these apps had storage for DICOM files, so the structure of these apps themselves were complicated and the operation was somewhat heavy.
So we decided to create an app that does not have storage functionality but focuses only on viewer functionality.
That is PHORLIX Lite.


Since we wrote most of the code from scratch, we took this opportunity to use Metal instead of OpenGL for the graphics.
It was difficult at times, but  it helped make the app run more smoothly.
We also used a method called ‘texture rendering’ for volume rendering in 3D Viewer, which works well with Metal and contributes to the app’s speed.

We wrote this app almost entirely from scratch, but we used dcmtk library for the dicom tag analysis.
Thanks to them, PHORLIX Lite can read the following files:

supported DICOM encoding: RAW(LittleEndian), JPEG2000(lossless, lossy), JPRG-LS(lossless, lossy)

We appreciate dcmtk team.

How To Use?

PHORLIX Lite is intuitive to use.
Most operations can be performed using the mouse and/or the trackpad.

– WL WW change (mouse drag)
– slice selection (two finger swipe)
– line measure (select ‘measure’  icon on the toolbar)

– object roation (mouse drag)
– zoom in/out (two finger swipe)
– WL WW change (right mose drag)
– CLUT change (select the icon on the toolbar)

Sample DICOM file

Sample1 CT JPEG2000 dicomdir (If you want to use the 3D Viewer, choose the folder.)

Sorry! Sample1 is a .zip file. Currently, PHORLIX Lite cannot read zip files directly,

so please unzip it before importing.

How To Get?

Mac App Store

Here. Now available version 1.0.5 (stable)

Experimental Version Download

You can download the experimetal Version of PHORLIX Lite from here.
Sorry, Japanese page only.


– It is NOT FDA-approved. You use this app at your own risk.

There is room for improvement in how we use metal.
There is also room for improvement in how we achieve ‘3D texture rendering’.
So your comments or suggestions are welcome!


PHORLIX dev team